The Online Learning Consortium OLC

 The Online Learning consortium offers a free online community membership, a Professional membership which costs $175, and an Institutional membership. They would like to encourage participation from private, for-profit universities whom they acknowledge as "an important and growing sector of online learning in American higher education." A few excerpts from the OLC site:
  • "OLC remains committed to helping institutions create high-quality educational experiences, improving the U.S./international field of online education, contributing to the creation of an educated workforce, and creating mutually-beneficial partnerships with like-minded organizations."
  • "Private, for-profit colleges and universities never received any grant funding from the Anytime, Anyplace Learning Program, however, they are an important and growing sector of online learning in American higher education. Their awareness of the Foundation’s contribution to online learning is modest at best and somewhat lower than for other non-grantee institutions."
  • "Starting out as Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C) in 1999, we have been the leading professional online learning society devoted to advancing quality e-Education into the mainstream of education through its community. In 2014, as a self-sustaining worldwide organization, we rebranded to the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) to better align with our mission, a dedication to providing access to high quality e-Education to individuals, institutions, professional societies and the corporate community."
Also on the website is an interesting sounding podcast episode linking to the University of Oregon page, presented by Dr. Ronald Kander titled Building a Successful Research Career. 

